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  • 3 Reasons why you should review your Agent Response account regularly

May 29, 2024

3 Reasons why you should review your Agent Response account regularly

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team @ Procredible

We recently connected with Katie, a valued Agent Response user, to discuss how she can maximise our platform’s benefits for her estate agency. This conversation highlighted the importance of regular account reviews, and we wanted to share key takeaways to help you get the most out of Agent Response.

In this article…

  • Why review your account regularly?
  • Actionable tips from the Agent Response Experts
  • Taking the next step

Why Review Your Account Regularly?

Agent Response offers a suite of features to streamline your agency’s operations and boost lead generation. Regular account reviews provide an opportunity to…

1.Identify areas for improvement

You might discover functionalities you haven’t explored yet, like the Contacts dashboard or the Offer Form integration.

2. Optimise existing workflows

Ensure your sales and lettings teams are making the most of Agent Response’s lead management features.

3. Adapt to changing needs

Tailor your setup to address current challenges and goals as the property market evolves.

Actionable Tips from the Agent Response Experts

Our conversation with Katie yielded valuable recommendations…

– Separate feeds for sales and lettings

Organise with individual feeds to keep teams focused on relevant leads.

– Embrace the Contacts Dashboard

Use this central hub for lead management, replacing cluttered inboxes.

– Capture Leads with the Offer Form

Streamline the application process by integrating the Offer Form into your website.

– Develop an effective Autoresponder

Create a pre-written message to entice leads with exclusive property access.

– Pre-qualify Lettings Leads with the Phone System

Filter out unqualified leads and focus on high-potential prospects.

– Prioritise Valuable Leads with Call Response

Use speed dial functionality for prompt follow-up with important leads.

– Market Early Access Properties

Leverage Agent Response’s Audience Builder for targeted email campaigns.

– Explore the AR Store

Manage vendor-paid services like advertising and compliance checks, integrating with Xero accounting software.

Each of these steps can be quickly implemented, offering long-lasting benefits.

Taking the Next Step

If you’re a current Agent Response customer, schedule your first account review with us to unlock hidden potential and adapt to the evolving property landscape.

If you aren’t yet a customer, book a demo to explore our features.

Let’s work together to transform Agent Response into a game-changer for your agency!

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