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July 30, 2024

Investors On Demand: The No-Hassle Guide to Finding Landlords

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team

Ever feel like potential landlords are slipping through your fingers? You’re not alone. Many estate agents focus solely on sales, overlooking a valuable source of revenue – hidden landlords within their existing client base. With a few strategic adjustments, you can tap into this goldmine. Here’s how Agent Response can help you find those landlord leads…

Ask Better Questions, Get Better Answers

Agent Response helps agents identify potential landlords by using specially crafted smart forms. It’s about asking the right questions. Are your teams automatically enquiring if sales leads are also landlords? If not, you’re missing out on significant opportunities.

Trust the Process

We’re human; your negotiators are human… so, mistakes will happen. Agent Response ensures your processes are followed and all essential questions are asked. This highlights more revenue opportunities and reduces time spent on letting leads.

At a Glance Insights

Agent Response analyses the answers given and provides a snapshot to speed up your review process. It’s like having a personal assistant that sifts through the data to highlight the most critical information, allowing you to quickly identify high-value leads. Ever wondered which portal provides the best lead quality? Agent Response has the answer. Curious about how many of your sales leads are actually landlords? We’ve got that covered too.

Hidden Landlords in Plain Sight

The industry often finds landlord leads elusive, but they are simply hidden in plain sight. Shropshire-based firm Nock Deighton has significantly grown their lettings book organically by unleashing the power of enhanced automation. Their Agent Response dashboard reports that an average of 1 in 10 of their sales applicants have declared themselves as a landlord.

Maximising Your Database

As an industry, we are notorious for not making the most of our databases. By combining automation with first-class customer service, you have the potential to uncover landlords in plain sight. 

Finding landlord leads doesn’t have to be like searching for a needle in a haystack. By using Agent Response, you can ensure that no potential landlord slips through your fingers. Start asking better questions, trust the process, and let Agent Response do the heavy lifting. You’ll be surprised at how many opportunities are right under your nose. For more details on how you can find landlords in your database, book a demo

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