June 3, 2021
How to send your vendors an automated email to book property photography – Part 4 of 5
This s a Mailchimp Automated Journey.
Once the vendor has been passed through to Mailchimp, they will enter an email journey depending on their tag.

Below is an example of the email they could receive. This includes everything they would need to know about the process, what to expect once the photographer arrives, the photographers contact details in case of further questions, and a ‘book now’ link. It is important to sign off the email from the photographer, to make it look more personalised. We have also added a photo of Tom to the end, so they know who to expect at the appointment.
If the recipient does not click on the link within 24 hours, they are sent a reminder email with the same link to the photographer’s diary, and who to call if they are unsure of how to use it. Even though the process is automated, it will need to be monitored as some vendors may not be used to doing things online- especially the older generation. Below is how the journey path will look if this second email is added.
Once the vendor clicks on the book now link, they will see the below. This is a Calendly diary, which each of the photographers have set up. The vendor can easily see what time and days Tom is available, similarly to how they would book in a table at a restaurant. The link does not expire, so if they need to check with their partners, they can come back to the diary later.
One they have selected the day and time, the vendor can enter their details, including their address, which will automatically be put into Tom’s diary.
From the vendors side, they have had an easy booking process, and have felt as though they have already spoken to Tom. However, on Tom’s side, he has spent the day photographing properties whilst his diary fills up!
Keep an eye out for part 5 – How to set up a Calendly diary.