July 22, 2021

How to increase your Homesearch network

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team @ Procredible

In Estate Agency, nurturing prospective clients and contacting vendors at the right time is vital to building your pipeline. There are many processes and tools to help your frontline sales team with this, but a new tool that shouldn’t be overlooked is the Homesearch network.

If your agency uses a Homesearch Pro, you may have noticed the network button in the top menu. This network is an exclusive database to your account, whereby users are registered by clicking on a unique link that Homesearch provides.

This database is extremely valuable, as it allows you to monitor and track the user’s activity on Homesearch, meaning that you can easily identify who your most active buyers are. The data includes property search requirements, time spent searching, and properties they have recently viewed. The data gathered within Homesearch can then determine the next conversation you have with them, as you have a better idea of their current situation. 

Alongside the user data benefiting your estate agency, when a user signs up to Homesearch via your unique link, pages are branded with your logo, meaning you are likely to be the first point of call.

You may be thinking, how do I grow my Homesearch network? There are several different ways you can do this. 

Firstly, you can promote your Homesearch unique link to your social media audience. This is a great way to use a passive audience with who you may not have engaged with before. Depending on your social media audience size, a simple post promoting the highlights of Homesearch should get people clicking.

If you send out direct mail, you could include a QR code of your unique link. Now is a great time to introduce QR codes into your marketing strategy, as most of the population is familiar with how they work due to Track & Trace. We recommend building the code through www.qr-code-generator.co.uk. You can track how many scans the QR code gets, so even if recipients don’t sign up via the code, you have an idea of how many are engaging with your mail.

Your mailing list should be full of buyers and sellers who would love to know about Homesearch, so an email campaign should be a vital part of your strategy. Similar to your social media post, a simple email stating the benefits of using Homesearch, as a buyer, seller, renter, or landlord, should receive fantastic results and many network sign-ups.

And finally, you can invite any applicant that calls or emails your agency. 

Hopefully, after carrying out the above activities regularly, you should start seeing your Homesearch network grow. 

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