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  • How to automate your property photography booking process – Part 1 of 5

May 17, 2021

How to automate your property photography booking process – Part 1 of 5

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team @ Procredible

We all know how long it can take to book an appointment in any industry, and especially within Estate Agency. When is the client available? When are you available? Let us wait until their partner gets back from work to see when they would prefer. Several phone calls and emails later, you can finally send the final booking confirmation, only to receive a call to reschedule.

This daily process used to take up extremely valuable time from our property photographer and videographer’s diaries, and we knew with the technology available, there must be a simpler way for all parties. We have created an automated booking system, including emails, texts and diary management, requiring very little manpower from any of the team.

The process we have developed uses Zapier integrations to create a personalised journey, outlined in the flow chart below.

In summary, once a marketing pack order is processed through Shopify (or any other software you may use), the task gets ‘zapped’, and added to the ‘to do’ file in Asana.

Once the photographer receives a referral from an office, they put the task in their name, including adding their named tag. This tag triggers a zap, which sends the data from Asana into a mailchimp list.

In Mailchimp, depending on what tag the subscriber is issued with (depending on the photographer), the vendor is put through an automated journey. The first email includes a booking button, which links to the correct photographers calendly diary. The vendor can then choose a slot which is best for them, the same way you would book a restaurant table online.

Once booked, they will receive an automated email confirmation and text reminder before the appointment. As all of this is automated, the photographers can carry on with their day jobs whilst their diary is being managed for them.

Although the process seems long, the graphics below show the process from each parties prospective.

Not sure where to start with your automated booking system? 

Click here to read more


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