June 28, 2023

Getting Quality Property Sales Viewing Feedback

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team @ Procredible

When selling houses, do you get the feedback you need to improve your listings?

Reasons for Gathering Sales Property Feedback

Gathering sales property feedback plays a crucial role in identifying areas for improvement in customer service, understanding market conditions, and analysing the results of sales property feedback. By collecting feedback, estate agents can gain insight into how the property is being viewed and received, allowing them to adapt their strategy for the property accordingly.

What questions should you ask

We use 5 simple questions that help to get the feedback you need to improve showing the property.

1. What did you like most about the house?
Allows you to see what people liked about the property. This can even help you identify elements of the property that may not have been thought about as an attraction of the property. This feedback can be used to identify the main features of the property, elements to highlight when showing the property to help increase its appeal to potential buyers.

2. Is there anything you would look to change about the house?
This gives potential buyers the opportunity to tell you about any alterations they may want to make to the place or parts of the property they didn’t like. Feedback such as the colour of the walls, types of flooring, fixtures can help you gather information to further inform potential buyers about how they can go about making the changes they want to make. This can then help ease the decision of purchasing the property.

3. Can you see yourself living there?
This feedback provides a free form way to know what might be holding people back from making an offer. This then gives valuable knowledge on where changes can be made to make the property more appealing. For example, if you get feedback that the living room feels small or cramped, rearranging or removing some of the furniture can help improve the perception of space.

4. On a scale of 1-10, how likely are you to make an offer?
This will provide more information to you about how many potential buyers you may have. This can be used to help determine how desirable the property and potentially, other properties in the area might be.

5. How much do you feel the property is worth?
This can help determine what people would be willing to offer for the property. This can help let you know properties perceived value. If for example, the feedback overwhelmingly says that property is overvalued, if the price may need to be re-evaluated. It can also give you an idea of how much room you may have to negotiate the price.

Identifying Areas for Improvement in Customer Service

Gathering property feedback from clients is crucial to identifying areas for improvement in customer service.Regular feedback on property can help find commonalities that can help improve and enhance the property to help improve its saleability.

This simple improvement can really help make a material difference in your agency. The process of getting the feedback can be automated via our Agent response.

If you would like to have a chat about how this can be baked into your process’s, feel free to drop me a line.

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