September 15, 2021

Buyers are(n’t) Liars

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team @ Procredible

Buyers Are(n’t) Liars Leading midlands estate agency Nock Deighton launched an online offer form earlier this month, available on the property pages of their website.

Chairman of Nock Deighton, Michael Nettleton, created the form so that all offers are signed and in writing by the applicant prior to negotiations. He explains “Instead of haphazard note taking over the telephone to fully establish the buyer’s true position, the negotiator receives an offer that is a signed statement of fact from the buyer before the negotiation starts”. He continues “All of the current questions are asked and answered every single time”.

The offer form is a digital version of PropertyMarks Declaration of Offer Form, powered by prop-tech company Agent Response, and includes amount of offer, contact details, personal information, and further required fields including solicitor details and fixtures and fittings, which is plugged into the Nock Deighton website.

Although currently in trial with the company, Nock Deighton has achieved great success in completed forms so far in August, and great feedback has been received from other agents.

Paul Morgan, IT Director and Prop Tech Consultant at Kerfuffle, commented “An excellent time-saver for your team and ensures applicants have all the information required to back up their offer from the start.”

CEO of Hobbs Parker, Roger Lightfoot, continues the praise, stating “This looks impressive”.

Michael Nettleton, also founder of prop-tech company Agent Response, hopes to add the form onto the prop-tech lead management packages he already sells to agents across the UK in the upcoming months.

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