June 22, 2021

Boost your Relocation Agent Network (RAN) leads

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team @ Procredible

Relocation Agent Network, also known as RAN, offers national coverage providing estate agency services in England, Scotland and Wales. For Estate Agent members, RAN provides additional revenue potential from a highly successful lead network. If you are not already a member, you can click here to find out more.

Agent Response have introduced a simple strategy whereby every sales lead received is invited to join an agent’s priority sales list by completing an online form, which may lead to RAN referral opportunities.

Within the Priority List form is a series of carefully thought-out questions, designed on the teaching principles of legendary industry trainer, Julian O’Dell. The completed form will ascertain the applicant’s motivation, ability, and needs, allowing the agent to create a much more defined picture of the applicant’s status.

How the form is completed by the applicant will adjust your future communications. However, we are here to show you what to look out for to ensure you never miss a RAN referral lead. 

The third question within the form states ‘How would you describe yourself?’

  • an investor
  • a first-time buyer
  • a developer
  • downsizing from my current property
  • I have a growing family
  • I am relocating

If the applicant selects the final option, ‘I am relocating’, we need to find out their current circumstances, and their plans regarding their current residing property. 

The following question in the form states ‘What is the situation with your property?’, with the options;

  • in rented accommodation
  • need to sell
  • need to find a buyer
  • under offer

If the applicant selects ‘need to sell’, or ‘need to find a buyer’, it generates a great opportunity to convert a warm lead into a RAN referral opportunity.

If you have any further questions on this form, or any of Agent Response’s services, contact [email protected]

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