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  • Estate Agents Marketing Funnel

May 11, 2021

Estate Agents Marketing Funnel

byThe Agent Response Team The Agent Response Team

A marketing funnel is an essential part of your Estate Agent’s marketing strategy, built to analyse the success of leads being converted. The model allows you to visualise the customer journey, from the awareness stage, through to consideration, then finally, decision.


The first stage of the marketing funnel is awareness. This is where a consumer first becomes aware of your brand due to the efforts you have been making, therefore enter the funnel. This could be down to a current campaign, or consumer research and discovery including; blog posts, social media, and direct mail. 

The awareness stage can be measured by the following in Estate Agency: Rightmove detail views, social media reach, your website traffic, and Google ranking (SEO). These numbers should be high, and although the consumers don't bring much value, they are essential to provide action further down the funnel.


Once the consumer is aware of your Estate Agents, and they take further action to show they are interested in what you have to offer, they funnel through to the consideration stage. This is often where leads are generated, and they submit permission to receive more information about your agency. 

The consideration stage is a great opportunity to contact the consumer directly and begin forming relationships. Consumers in the consideration stage can be measured by email campaign subscribers, instant valuation submissions, social media followers, enquiry forms submitted on your website, and any other goals your business may have. 

These figures will be significantly smaller than the previous stage, as the funnel filters out any consumers that haven’t taken further action, therefore can be dismissed.


Following the consideration is the decision stage. This is the point where consumers understand your estate agent, and what it has to offer, and they are ready to decide whether they want to use your services. Measures include pre-sale valuations/ market appraisals, pre-rental valuations, new instructions, or any other business goal which is likely to end up with a monetary transaction. 

Once again, figures in this stage will be considerably smaller than in the previous, however, all of these will be incredibly valuable to the business and can be used to work out leads generated compared to those who entered the funnel.

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